Our college library is one of the best library in the suburbs. It plays a positive role as an essential component of learning. The Library is situated on the ground floor occupying an area of 517.89 square meters. 225 students can be accommodated at a time. The total collection of the library is 42025 books. The total number of Journals and Magazines subscribed is 55. We have also subscribed to over 80409+ e-books and 3828+ e-journals. The library is fully automated with the help of iSLIM. Online catalogue of library books is available through Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). In addition to subject-related books, we house a good amount of books on varied subjects like Photography, Traditional Dance & Music Forms, Wildlife, Puranas, Marathi Vishwakosh, Marathi fiction, English fiction, Biographies in English and Marathi language. Compact shelving is used to store books in the library.

  • Reading Hall Home Lending
    Monday to Friday:08:00 a.m. to 09:00 p.m. Degree Self-Financing Section
    Saturday:09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.Monday to Friday:08:00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m.Monday to Friday:08:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.
    Sunday:09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.Saturday:09:00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m.Saturday:09:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.
    1. Entry is permitted with valid ID Card only.
    2. Before entering the Library, ID Cards should be scanned on the scanner fixed on the Library door.
    3. The students are not permitted to use other students Identity - Card/s & Library Card. The loss of ID Card should be immediately reported to the College Library, office so that a duplicate card may be issued.
    4. Complete silence and strict discipline should be maintained in the Library.
    5. No discussion is permitted inside the Library.
    6. Students should issue the book on his/her own Library card only.
    7. At a time two books will be issued, one for a period of one week against the Library Card and second for current reading against the ID Card.
    8. Book issued cannot be returned on the same day.
    9. The borrower is requested to check the books & other reading material thoroughly for missing pages, chapters, any damage, markings etc. before borrowing.
    10. No book in damaged conditions will be accepted from the borrower. Mutilated or spoiled books will have to be replaced by the borrower.
    11. Loss of any borrowed book must be reported immediately to the Librarian/Library Staff. The student must replace the lost book / pay the cost of the latest edition of the lost book along with Rs.150/- fine/ overdue charges, if any.
    12. Students are required to handle books and reading material very carefully. Marking library books with pencil or ink, tearing the pages or spoiling the same in any other way will be dealt with seriously. In such case, the last reader will be held responsible unless he shows the Librarian at the time of issue that the book had been previously marked or damaged. In the event of damage of any kind, the last reader will be liable to compensate for damage. Books will have to be replaced.
    13. Students are requested to return the books in time. A fine of Rs.10/- per day will be charged for all the books returned after the due date.
    14. While calculating the fine, holidays will be counted as well.
    15. Re-issue of the books will depend on the demand for the books requested.
    16. Computer terminals are provided to the students for Web OPAC facility to search the library catalogue.
    17. Students should keep their mobile phones switched off whenever they visit the Library. A fine of Rs. 100/- will be charged for mobile phone usage in the Library.
    18. Eating and sleeping is not allowed in the Library.
    19. Readers should observe strict silence in the Library premises .
    20. Students should regularly read the notices displayed on the Library Notice Board.
    21. Newspapers and Periodicals/Journals will be issued for current reading in the Library only.
    22. Students must strictly follow all Library rules and regulations. Any disregard of these rules will be reported to the Principal for appropriate disciplinary action.
      Home lending counter is kept open between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on all working days. Students and Teachers can borrow books against their Library Card from this counter. Generally students are issued 01 book at a time. Students can refer to more books and periodicals against their Identity Cards in the premises only. Teachers can borrow 05 books at a time for a period of three months. Users should return library book on or before the due date mentioned on the book. A fine of Rs.10/- per day will be charged from students for the overdue book.
    2. FREE WI-FI:
      Free Wi-Fi facility is available in Library E-Zone area only between 9:00 a.mm to 4.00 p.m. Students may contact Librarian to obtain Wi-Fi password.
      Library has a good collection of reference sources such as Encyclopaedias, Yearbooks, Dictionaries etc. The Librarian and the Assistant Librarian help the readers with their queries. Readers are also provided with relevant documents in print and electronic form.
      Library provides the following Current Awareness Service to users on demand. List of Additions, Content Pages of the Journals, New Arrivals Display.
      Service provided on demand.
    6. WEB OPAC:
      Online Catalogue of library books is available through the Web OPAC only during Library working hours. Books can be searched name of author, title, subject, publisher etc. Users can claim and reserve books and check the transaction history using their Login IDs. The Library Staff helps readers in browsing the computerized database through OPAC.
      Cover pages of newly added books are displayed on the New Arrivals Display Shelf in Library. In addition, book covers are also displayed in Web OPAC.
      The College Library provides Inter Library Loan Facility to its readers to cater to the additional reading needs of its readers.
      • N-LIST
        Library has subscribed to N-LIST (from INFLIBNET) Database. Databases are accessible globally using login ID and passwords. Students can contact librarian to obtain their login ID and password.
      • National Digital Library (NDL)
        College is also a member of National Digital Library. Students may contact Library to obtain NDL user ID and Password.
      This scheme is run through University of Mumbai. Through this scheme 30 students from each of the classes from First Year to Third Year of the Degree section are given a set books for a period of one academic year. This scheme is applicable only to students belonging to SC and ST category. Books are to be returned within two days after the Final Semester Examination, otherwise a fine of Rs.10/- per day is charged. 5 students each from M.Com. Part I and M.Com. Part II can also avail this facility.
    11. STUDENTS' AID FUND (S.A.F.):
      This is a College Fund through which 30 students from First Year, Second Year and Third Year of the Degree section are given a set of books for a period of one academic year. This scheme can be availed by students belonging to General, OBC, and NT category having family income below Rs.2,00,000/-per annum. The applicants must submit Annual Income Certificate and Caste Certificate at the time of applying for S.A.F. Books are be returned within two days after the Final Semester Examination, otherwise a fine of Rs.10/- per day is charged.
      In this section National and International Journals and Magazines are available. The latest issues are displayed on display rack in the reading room. Older issues are also available. The Journals and Magazines are available for reading within the library.
      College subscribes to 20 newspapers daily for Students and Teachers.
      Taking into consideration students demand, Library Reading Hall is kept open on every Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
      Ex-students pursuing higher studies can avail the Library Reading Hall Facility by paying refundable deposit of Rs.750/-(one time) and monthly fees of Rs.300/-. For outsiders the refundable deposit is Rs.1500/- and monthly fees is Rs.600/-. Rs.50/- is to be paid for an ID Card by all. Home lending facility is not available to ex-students/outsiders. Admission is subject to availability of seats.
    16. RFID SYSTEM:
      We have installed RFID system at the entrance of the Library door to collect library users data.
    17. GOLD CARD:
      Library awards a Library Gold Card, in addition to their Library Card, to three Rank Holders of each class based on their annual academic performance.
      Recommendations for books by students are accepted. After the book is received the cover page is displayed on the notice board along with the student's name.
      Booklets with Photocopies of Question Papers of previous years of all examinations are maintained by the Library. Scanned copies of these booklets and latest syllabus are made available on the College Website.
      The library welcomes suggestions from users on enhancing their experience in the Library or in using Library resources.
      We welcome your views about our Library services, resources and facilities. The information you provide will help us to provide the best services possible. Feedback Forms are available at Library Counter.
  • Online catalogue of Library Books is available through the Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). Web OPAC can be accessed online through the internet by following the link For access to Web OPAC within the College premises through LAN, use the link http://libserver/iOPAC/

    Users can search books, reserve book and check the transaction history using their Login IDs. Students may contact Library or view Library Notice Board to obtain Web OPAC Login ID and Password.

    (Web OPAC access is available only during Library working hours and on working days only)


    Degree Section Self-Financing Section
    Sr. No Title Frequency Sr. No Title Frequency
    1. Amhi Parlekar Monthly 1. Agrarian South: The Journal Of Political Economy Thrice in a year
    2. Careers 360 Monthly 2. Asia Pacific Journal of Mgmt. Research & Innovation Business Review Quarterly
    3. Chhatrarth Monthly 3. Foreign Trade Review Quarterly
    4. Down to Earth Fortnightly 4. Human Resource Development Review Quarterly
    5. Dream 2047 Monthly 5. Indian Journal Of Agricultural Economics Quarterly
    6. Employment News Weekly 6. Journal Of IMS Group Half-Yearly
    7. International Journal of Research Half-Yearly 7. Journal Of Software Testing Half-Yearly
    8. Kurukshetra Monthly 8. Better Photography Monthly
    9. Lalit Monthly 9. Business India Fortnightly
    10. Lokprabha Monthly 10. Business Today Fortnightly
    11. National Geographic Monthly 11. Business Week Weekly
    12. Navneet (Hindi) Monthly 12. Business World Fortnightly
    13. Priya Rasik Monthly 13. Capital Market Fortnightly
    14. Reader's Digest Monthly 14. Career 360 Monthly
    15. Sevarth Monthly 15. Competition Success Review Monthly
    16. Shikshan Sankraman Monthly 16. Digit Monthly
    17. Span Monthly 17. Economist Weekly
    18. The C.A.Journal Monthly 18. Forbes Asia Monthly
    19. University News Weekly 19. International Journal of Public Law Quarterly
    20. Yogsakha Monthly 20. Indian Management Monthly
    21. Yojana Monthly 21. Linux- Open Source Monthly
          22. Media Watch Thrice in a year
          23. Outlook Business Fortnightly
          24. PC Quest Monthly
          25. Sports Star Weekly
          26. Woman's Era Bi-monthly
          27. Time International Weekly


  • Degree Section Self-Financing Section
    Sr. No Title Sr. No Title
    1. Loksatta 1. Times of India
    2. Times of India 2. The Economic Times
    3. The Economic Times 3. Business Line
    4. Hindustan Times 4. Maharashtra Times
    5. The Financial Express 5. Mumbai Mirror
    6. Mumbai Mirror 6. Business Standard
    7. Wealth 7. The Economic Times Wealth
        8. The Indian Express
        9. Hindustan Times
        10. Mint
        11. DNA
        12. The Hindu
        13. The Free Press

    1. Login
      Open your browser and Log on to http://www.nlist.inflibnet.ac.in/. Enter your username and password in Member's login option. If you do not have username and password please contact you college authorities to register with N-LIST and obtain username and password.
    2. Access E-Resources
      After login, list of resources subscribed under N-LIST is displayed. User can click on the desired e-resource. Click on "User Guide/Help" from Navigation Bar and download User Manual and Tutorials.
    3. Searching Journals Titles and Books
      Click on "Search" option on the navigation bar of N-LIST Website to search journals covered under N-LIST Project. Enter name of journal/book or a subject term in text entry box and click on "Go". Search results will be displayed with link to full-text of journal(s)/book(s) on publisher's Website.


    The Rare Book Society of India is a virtual space for rare book collectors and history, buffs to read, discuss, rediscover and download lost books.
  • Chair Person CA Shri M. Chitale
    Principal Dr. D.M.Doke
    Vice-Principal Smt. Chandana Chakraborti
    Members (Teaching Staff) Smt. Shruti Save
    Smt. Siddhi Roy
    Self-Financing Clerk Smt. Arpita Varvatkar
    Asst. Librarian (By Invitation) Smt. M. Indapurkar
    3 Student Representatives