Junior College
First Year (F.Y.J.C.)
- English
- Economics
- Book-keeping & Accountancy
- Organization of Commerce
- Secretarial Practice OR Mathematics & Statistics (Paper I & II) *
- Hindi / Marathi / French / German / Sanskrit / Information Technology **
- Environmental Studies
- Health and Physical Education
Second Year (S.Y.J.C.)
H.S.C Syllabus
- English
- Economics
- Book-keeping & Accountancy
- Organization of Commerce
- Secretarial Practice OR Mathematics & Statistics (Paper I & II) *
- Hindi / Marathi / French / German / Sanskrit / Information Technology **
- Environmental Studies
- Health and Physical Education
* Mathematics & Statistics: At F.Y.J.C. first 360 students will be admitted on the basis of merit. In addition, those students who wish to opt for the
subject of Mathematics and Statistics will have to pay additional fees.
** Limited Seats allotted for Information Technology / French / German / Sanskrit on the basis of Merit. Students who opt for Information Technology /
French / German / Sanskrit will have to pay additional fees